Nau Mai, Haere Mai, Welcome to QPN

We are a community based non-profit centre that has serviced the Wakatipu Community since 1979. Whilst the centre has undergone a few name changes over the years, the philosophy of ‘family and community’ has always been at the heart of our service. We are governed by a parent committee of annually elected parents who represent all parents of the children attending the centre.

Office Staff



Centre Manager

Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood) – Full Registration



Centre Administrator

College of Social – Germany
NZQA Level 6

Tui Room

Pēpi group, 3 months to 2 years old



Team Leader

Bachelor of Teaching
(Early Childhood)
Full Registration



Bachelor of Arts. India
(NZQA Level 7)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood)
Full Registration



Bachelor of Teaching
(Early Childhood)
Full Registration



Bachelor of Teaching
(Early Childhood)
Full Registration



Bachelor of Arts (Education & Learning in Childhood)
NZQA Level 7
Provisional Registration



Bachelor of Teaching
Full Registration

Kiwi Room

2 and 3 year old tamariki



Team Leader

Bachelor of Teaching
(Early Childhood)
Full Registration



BTEC National Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning
& Development



Graduate Diploma of Teaching
(Early Childhood)
Full Registration



Bachelor of Teaching
(Early Childhood)
Full Registration

Moa Room

3 to 5 year old tamariki



Team Leader

Bachelor of Arts (UK), with First Class Honours in Early Childhood Education (with Qualified Teacher Status)
Full Teacher Registration



Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood)
Full Registration



Bachelor of Teaching
(Early Childhood)
Provisional Teacher Registration

Additional Teaching Support

Bernice (AKA Nana)

Bernice (AKA Nana)

Kitchen Fairy and Experienced Teacher Aide



Diploma of Teaching
(Early Childhood)
Full Registration

Fee Schedule


Minimum booking of two sessions required

1 to 24 hours a week:  $11.95 an hour
25 to 29 hours a week:  $10.00 an hour
30 to 40 hours a week:  $9.00 an hour

The maximum for a week $361

Over 3 years old (enrolled for 20 Hours ECE)

Minimum booking 6.5 hours a day and/or 27 hours a week

1 to 26 hours a week:  FIXED DAY RATE $34 per day (for 6.5 hour day).
Additional time after the 6.5 hours incurs a charge of $15 per hour on that day.
27 to 29 hours a week:  $18.50 an hour
30 to 40 hours a week:  $12.50 an hour
40+ hours a week:  $10.80 an hour

No charge for attested 20 Hours ECE HOURS.

  • Administration Fee

    All new enrolments incur a one-off $45 fee. This includes a reusable bag for wet and soiled clothing. Then after this an annual fee of $35 is charged in February each year. This fee goes towards the online learning portfolio that your child receives, as well as a physical profile book, centre printing, and centre stationery costs for the year.

  • The Centre

    Will be closed for public holidays and also for our annual Christmas close down where we reopen in the second week of January. There is no charge for these days that the centre closed.

Notified Absence


  • 10 days holiday at half-price, per year for children attending 42 hours a week and pro-rata for those doing a minimum of 6 hours week. Must attend the centre for 3 months before leave can be used. Hours are allocated per calendar year.
  • We require 5 days notice for holidays, if not full fees will be charged.
  • After the 10 half-price days are used, full fees will be charged.


  • 10 days sick a year at no charge for children attending 42 hours a week & pro-rata for those doing a minimum of 6 hours a week.
  • We require notice of absence by 9 am that day. If not full fees will be charged.


We require 2 weeks notice to cancel your child’s enrolment at our centre.


Un-notified absences will be charged at the full rate.

Health & Safety Policy

We cannot accept children who are ill or suffering from infectious diseases.

No children may be left at the Centre if vomiting or diarrhoea has occurred in the previous 48 hours.

To ensure Teachers are able to provide the best care for your child we ask that you please inform teachers at drop off if your child has been administered Pamol or Nurofen prior to coming to the centre.

Inline with the Ministry of Health recommendations we cannot administer Pamol or Nurofen for fevers.

If your child is on medication and recovering, and you require staff to administer their medicine during their session at the centre ensure you sign the Medicine Authorisation Form.

Please note:  Your child should be kept at home if there are any of the following symptoms:

  • A high temperature
  • Inflamed throat or eyes, or discharge from the eyes
  • An unidentified rash
  • An upset stomach or diarrhea
  • Is clearly unwell

Rubella (German measles)

If your child contacts Rubella (German measles) while attending the Centre, please notify the staff so parents may be informed.

When children fall ill at the Centre

If your child becomes unwell during the course of the day, we’ll notify you and ask that the child be picked up as soon as possible. If we are unable to contact you, we’ll call the person nominated by you as the emergency contact instead.

If in the event of a sudden illness or accident, and we are unable to contact you or your emergency contact – and we believe your child could be at risk – we will seek immediate medical attention. This could be contacting your doctor or calling an ambulance.

Health guidelines for parents

The following guidelines are to help you, as parents, to decide whether or not your child is well enough to attend the Centre. A note will be added to the daily whiteboard in the event of any breakout of any of the listed infectious diseases.

You may need a doctor’s letter/certificate stating that your child is well enough to return to the Centre following infection from any of these illnesses (listed below).

A child will not be permitted to attend when she/he has any of the following diseases:

  • Chicken Pox

    One minimum of a week from the date of appearance of rash; lesions must be crusted over.

  • Common Cold

    Child with an acute infection – i.e. who is sneezing, coughing and/or feverish, has green discharge from nose – should stay at home until they are well.

  • Conjunctivitis

    Whilst the child has discharge from the eyes of any type. The child can return 24 hrs after the treatment has begun as long as there is no further discharge of any kind from the eyes.

  • Head Lice

    The child must be taken from the centre and appropriate treatment administered. All nits and eggs should be removed before the child can be readmitted. All family members should be checked.

  • Measles

    Exclude for at least 4 days from onset of the rash/ advice given from the Ministry of Health.

  • Ringworm

    Until lesions are clear or are able to be covered & no risk of others touching.

  • Scabies

    24hrs after treatment is provided.

  • Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

    21 days from onset of coughing, or 5 days after antibiotics. Child must be well enough to return.

  • Covid-19

    If a child is suspected to have contracted covid-19 or is confirmed to have Covid-19 we will notify the Ministry of Education and will be instructed as to what actions to take. This will include an exclusion period that is determined by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.

  • Hand, Foot & Mouth

    While the child is unwell and until the spots have either crusted over or cleared.

  • Impetigo (School Sores)

    Re-admit once appropriate treatment has commenced
and lesions are no longer weeping. Any sores on exposed surfaces must be properly covered.

  • Mumps

    Exclude for 9 days after swelling develops, or until the child is well.

  • Rubella

    7 days from appearance of rash.

  • Strep Throat

    24hrs after treatment and the child is well enough to return.

  • Vomiting & Diarrhoea

    The child must be taken from the Centre. They can return after 48 hours has passed from the time of the last vomiting or loose bowel motion.

  • Slapped Cheek

    Whilst the child is unwell.

The level of fees will be regularly reviewed by the Management Committee and may be amended after consultation with the parents.